Project News

The University of Maryland's Enslavement Acknowledgment was developed by a committee of faculty and staff with input from The 1856 Project. Read it here.

By Casey Hughes and Sara Ludewig, Terrapin Tales
February 25th, 2021
In the coming months the 1856 Project, the University of Maryland’s contribution to the Universities Studying Slavery, will be exploring the role that enslaved individuals played in the founding and early history of our institution...
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The 1856 Project welcomes applicants for an internship for the Fall 2023 academic term.
As part of The 1856 Project, interns will have the opportunity to do the following:
- Engage in primary research meant to uncover data relevant to enslaved individuals and communities tied to the history of the university and its intersections with the surrounding community.
- Build skills… Continue

The 1856 Project is once again collaborating with the BSOS Summer Research Initiative (SRI) and the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) hosted by College of Arts and Humanities to seek rising juniors and seniors to participate in an 8-week (June 5th - July 28th, 2023) research internship. The… Continue