The 1856 Project is once again collaborating with the BSOS Summer Research Initiative (SRI) and the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) hosted by College of Arts and Humanities to seek rising juniors and seniors to participate in an 8-week (June 5th - July 28th, 2023) research internship. The 1856 Project SRI/SROP scholars will work with the University of Maryland Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives in the historical exploration of the slave economy and how slavery operated in the immediate vicinity of the Maryland Agricultural College (MAC, now the University of Maryland). Fellows will have the opportunity to utilize and uncover primary resources pertaining to the histories of the enslaved.
The 1856 Project SRI/SROP scholars will work as part of a team led by Dr. Barnet Pavão-Zuckerman (Department of Anthropology), Dr. Christopher Bonner (Department of History), Dr. Quincy Mills (Department of History), Lae’l Hughes-Watkins (University Archivist), and Doug McElrath (Director, Special Collections & University Archives).
Lead Faculty Mentor: Christopher Bonner, Associate Professor, Department of History
Dates: June 5th - July 28th, 2023. All participants are required to arrive at our College Park campus on Saturday, June 3rd, for the required 2-day pre-program orientation.
Notes: In addition to submitting a formal application, applicants are encouraged to submit preliminary inquiries of interest to the following: Ralph Bauer, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Humanities at bauerr@umd.edu, Lae’l Hughes-Watkins, University Archivist, at laelhwat@umd.edu, and Christopher Bonner, Associate Professor of History at cjbonner@umd.edu.

Photos of The 1856 Project 2022 BSOS SRI scholars, Caylee Song Larios and Mia Moore, experiencing Riversdale House Museum as part of their research experience. To view the accomplishments of the 2022 scholars, please visit our SRI Discoveries page.