The 1856 Project welcomes applicants for an internship for the Fall 2023 academic term.
As part of The 1856 Project, interns will have the opportunity to do the following:
- Engage in primary research meant to uncover data relevant to enslaved individuals and communities tied to the history of the university and its intersections with the surrounding community.
- Build skills in packaging complex research to large audiences through digital humanities-related work.
- Assist in producing The 1856 Project podcast.
- Provide copy editing support, develop questions and storyboards, and assist with scheduling.
- Assist in producing social media campaigns focusing on primary resources and project findings.
Applicants are asked to submit the following documentation:
- A cover letter addressing their interest in the project and any relevant experience
- A résumé
- 2-3 supporting documents (links to digital humanities projects, publications, applicable social media campaigns, etc.) that will highlight your abilities in relation to the internship.
The selected interns must enroll in History 386 for 3 course credits for the Fall 2023 semester.
The deadline is March 31, 2023
Please email your application to Lae’l Hughes-Watkins (Associate Dir. Engagement, Inclusion, and Reparative Archives, Special Collections and University Archives//Co-Chair, The 1856 Project) at laelhwat@umd.edu AND a copy to Dr. Julie Taddeo (Research Professor, History) at taddeo@umd.edu.