Lylah Allen

Lylah Allen
Lylah Allen is a student at Oakdale High School in Ijamsville, Maryland where she is a rising Junior. She is involved in the AP and Honors programs at Oakdale while also serving as a leader in the National Organization for Women (NOW), the Multicultural Club, ASL Club, and the Student Government Association. She is a member of the Oakdale Dance team and coaches the community dance team for elementary and middle school students. Lylah has been selected for the OHS Leadership Academy for her junior and senior years and is the founder/ co-president of the high school’s Black Student Union.
Lylah is interested in pursuing her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Political Science and is very excited to be a part of this project in which she will be mentored by Mouhanad Al Rifay Program Administrative Specialist for The 1856 Project in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Lae'l Hughes-Watkins, Associate Director for Engagement, Inclusion and Reparative Archiving.